Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Almost Half Way!!

Most of you probably know already but Jeremy and I had our first Ultrasound appointment on Monday. It was AMAZING!! We got to see our little baby moving all over the place! We couldn't believe how much SHE was moving around! Yes I said SHE!! We were also lucky enough to find out we are having a baby girl!! She is looking very healthy and measuring to the exact day! We were able to meet Gramma Connie after the appointment and let her know right away and went to Jeremy's Parents house after to show them the pictures and share the news. I am very excited to start buying lots of pink!!! With that we I will leave you with a few of our amazing pictures!

1 comment:

  1. How awesome! I love blogging and I know you will too ;) Love the pictures my niece is super adorable already. I see she is laying on her tummy, at least one of you can at this point!
