Monday, May 9, 2011

6 Month Appointment

On Monday May 2nd I had our monthly check-up, everything went really well! I heard the babies heart beat and it sounded really strong like normal, which makes me really happy!! I also have been feeling more tired lately so I had asked the Dr about that and they tested my blood to make sure i'm not anemic, but everything came back normal so that was good. Just normal pregnancy tired so will just try to get some more sleep and eat food with more iron, hopefully that helps! I go back on June 1st for my next monthy appointment, the Dr gave me the lovely glucose drink I have to drink before my next appointment so hopefully those tests all come back normal!

We have had a busy couple of weeks about a month ago we had taken Rocky into the vet for his yearly check-up figured everything would go just fine but, it didn't turn out the best. The Dr listened to his heart beat and heard a murmur and it could shorten his life span by alot....kinda scared Jeremy and I. So he had to go back that week and have a chest x-ray and an EKG done on his heart, lucky for us Jeremy's mom and sister were going over to Sioux Falls so they could take him for us. His chest x-ray came back and that looked normal but his EKG was a little off so the Dr found that the chambers in his heart were enlarged and he has high blood pressure. I know wouldn't normally think of that in a dog, but he has it so we have to give him a blood pressure pill every morning. He had to go back for a check up this last weekend, so we drove to Sioux Falls on saturday morning but he can get a little excited in the car if he sees other people. So when we went into the vet his blood pressure was 240  which is double what it normally should be. Now he has to be on two blood pressure pills a day and an additional blood pressure pill, and be checked in two weeks. Hopefully that all helps because the blood pressure pills should help his heart also and we would like him to be around as long as possible! We will keep you updated on him after his next appointment. Something else exciting that is going on with us, Jeremy's sister Brittany is also pregnant and she is going to have a c-section this friday so hopefully we will have some fun pictures to show you all soon! Makes me really excited for our little girl to be here will all the babies around!! Since we don't have those fun ones yet will leave you with a picture of my every growing belly....

Figured we would leave you with a few pictures of the two babies we have now since the new ones aren't here yet...
 Little Brandy Jo
Our Big Guy Rocky

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