Saturday, July 2, 2011

8 Month Check Up

Hello all sorry im so behind! I kind of skipped a month in there so we can cover both monthly check ups quick. At my seven month check up I had to do my lovely glucose test and the had to check my blood, all the fun testing! Besides getting a little shaky after drinking all that sugar everything turned out really good all my tests were normal! So that was very nice to hear. Last week on the 28th I had my eight month check up and that was my last monthly check up. Grammar Connie got to go with me for that check up and hear baby girls heartbeat for the first time! Everything sounded really good and everything is measuring perfect so we are right in track. I will be going to the doctor every two weeks now so were getting really close! In between my two check ups we did have a little scare however. I had been feeling really light headed and dizzy for a few days so I called and the dr wanted to see me. Unfortunately my doctor was on vacation so I saw the on call doctor. They were asking me a series of questions and asked it I had been having any back pain, which I had because im getting pretty big, and when the doctor went to check the babies heartbeat to make sure everything sounded good my stomach felt really hard. So she said not trying to scare however me that they were going to bring me to the hospital part of the clinic so they could monitor me. Late I found out she thought I was going into preterm labor. So they took my blood and ran a bunch of tests, did another ultrasound, and had me hooked up to the machines so to see if I was having contractions and to.listen to the babies heartbeat.  Everything turned out to be fine so it was just a false alarm but it was nice to see our baby again wih the ultrasound! They said my back pain is just cuz im getting bigger and my light headdedness is because the baby is laying on the artery that brings blood back up from my legs to my heart. I just have to make sure sure im walking around every few hours and no sleeping on my back. Other than that everything has been good except some swelling in my ancles and feet. We have been working really hard on the nursery and it is about finished so I will post pictures when its all done. We are currently in the black hills for vacation and will return home on Tuesday the 5th. The weather is amazing, and I will also post pictures of the vacation when we get home! Love ya all!!

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