Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Yup...Shes still in there...

Hello everyone! Apparently baby Prins really likes it in my belly! On Thursday the 19th I went into the Dr because I was not feeling good and we had taken my blood pressure at work and it was a little high. When I when in the Dr told me that I needed to stop working and to come back on Monday and we would talk about doing an induction on Tuesday. When I went in on Monday my body was progressing like it should and she wanted to wait and see if I came in on my own in labor and told me to come back on Fiday. When I went in on Friday I was still the same as I was on Monday so we had an Induction set for Wednesday. I found out on Sunday night that my Dr was in the hospital, She is pregnant as well and has Preeclampcia so she couldn't come back to work and wont be back untill the begining of the year. So that changed things a little bit again. The clinic called me on Monday afternoon and asked me if there was a different doctor that I wanted to see, and there is only one other doctor that I had seen at the clinic so I requested her. I went into the clinic yesterday to talk to the new doctor and we had to change my induction date to tomorrow the 1st of September. So unless she decides that she wants to come out sooner Jeremy and I will be goin in at 7am tomorrow morning, and hopefully by late Thursday or Early Friday moring we will have a baby!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Is she here yet?!?!?!?

Hello Everyone!!
I have had some uneventful appointments, but have been really exhausted lately so I appologize thats why I have been so bad at updating all of you! My last few appointments have been really normal so that has been great, but this last week things changed a little. On wednesday I was having really bad chest pains, which I do have acid reflux so I figured that is what was causing it. The pain was getting really bad though and my ars and fingers started to feel really tingley and my fingers were getting really cold so I called the doctors office and they told me I needed to come in right away and go to the ER. Well it ended up being my acid reflux so they gave me a drink that made my throat numb and feel really weird but it helped alot! They also changed my medication that I have been taking and told me to drink maloxx instead of taking tums so that has also helped the last few days. While I was in the ER though they had the baby monitors hooked up and Baby Prins' heartbeat was very good and I have been having contractions on and off all week (hopefully that is a sign she will be coming very soon!) so that was measuring those as well but they were not regular at all. The other thing that they did notice is my blood pressure was very high. So after they had everything figured out with my chest they started taking a closer look at my blood pressure. They took it many times over the hours that we were there and it stayed high. The DR had me lay on my left side to see if that would help and that helped a little, but they wanted to check everything out so they took my blood to check my white count and something with my liver i think it was my enzymes and they also wanted to check my urine. All of the tests came back normal and the DR told me that he was checking for Preeclampsia so that is really good that I don't have that! I had a regular check up the next morning so the DR sent me home on bedrest for the rest of the day. When I went to the DR the next morning my first reading was a little high and when the DR came in she took it and it was in the normal range. They are keeping a close eye on it though so I just have to take things easy and I go back on monday to have everything checked again. Hopefully everything will be normal the baby will be here soon! I really just can't wait to see here and hold her!!! Hopefully the next time i'm updating all of you it is to tell you that our little princess has arrived!!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Getting Closer.....

Well we made it home from our trip safe and sound! We had alot of fun in the Black Hills and the trip went by way to fast!! Since we have been back we have been very busy getting the nursery ready, its almost there but not quite. By the next time I go to the doc it should be all done and I can show you guys some pics! I did go to the Dr on Thursday the 14th. On the Wednesday right before my appointment I was having really bad cramping so I had called in to see what I should do and they told me unless they get to a point where I can time them or have any blood then I can wait untill my appt to come in since it was right away in the morning. They did go away by Wednesday afternoon and the Dr said they could have been contractions or they an be caused by alot of things. She told me to try to drink more water since I am not drinking enough and see if that helps at all. She did check and everything is measuring perfect and the Baby Girl's heart beat was very strong! I have started feeling a little more nauseated again though and she just said its because she is getting bigger and pushing on my stomach more, and let me tell you this little girl is a mover!! Seems like she is always on the move in my stomach. Also I am still having welling in my feet and ankles and now also in my hands but that is very normal and drinking more water should help that as well. I go back to the Dr on the 26th for my last 2 week appt and then I start going every week. She will be here before we all know it, and I can't wait to meet her!!!

The Beautiful Black Hills

Us on one of the lookouts we went to.

35 Weeks!

Getting Closer!!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

8 Month Check Up

Hello all sorry im so behind! I kind of skipped a month in there so we can cover both monthly check ups quick. At my seven month check up I had to do my lovely glucose test and the had to check my blood, all the fun testing! Besides getting a little shaky after drinking all that sugar everything turned out really good all my tests were normal! So that was very nice to hear. Last week on the 28th I had my eight month check up and that was my last monthly check up. Grammar Connie got to go with me for that check up and hear baby girls heartbeat for the first time! Everything sounded really good and everything is measuring perfect so we are right in track. I will be going to the doctor every two weeks now so were getting really close! In between my two check ups we did have a little scare however. I had been feeling really light headed and dizzy for a few days so I called and the dr wanted to see me. Unfortunately my doctor was on vacation so I saw the on call doctor. They were asking me a series of questions and asked it I had been having any back pain, which I had because im getting pretty big, and when the doctor went to check the babies heartbeat to make sure everything sounded good my stomach felt really hard. So she said not trying to scare however me that they were going to bring me to the hospital part of the clinic so they could monitor me. Late I found out she thought I was going into preterm labor. So they took my blood and ran a bunch of tests, did another ultrasound, and had me hooked up to the machines so to see if I was having contractions and to.listen to the babies heartbeat.  Everything turned out to be fine so it was just a false alarm but it was nice to see our baby again wih the ultrasound! They said my back pain is just cuz im getting bigger and my light headdedness is because the baby is laying on the artery that brings blood back up from my legs to my heart. I just have to make sure sure im walking around every few hours and no sleeping on my back. Other than that everything has been good except some swelling in my ancles and feet. We have been working really hard on the nursery and it is about finished so I will post pictures when its all done. We are currently in the black hills for vacation and will return home on Tuesday the 5th. The weather is amazing, and I will also post pictures of the vacation when we get home! Love ya all!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

6 Month Appointment

On Monday May 2nd I had our monthly check-up, everything went really well! I heard the babies heart beat and it sounded really strong like normal, which makes me really happy!! I also have been feeling more tired lately so I had asked the Dr about that and they tested my blood to make sure i'm not anemic, but everything came back normal so that was good. Just normal pregnancy tired so will just try to get some more sleep and eat food with more iron, hopefully that helps! I go back on June 1st for my next monthy appointment, the Dr gave me the lovely glucose drink I have to drink before my next appointment so hopefully those tests all come back normal!

We have had a busy couple of weeks about a month ago we had taken Rocky into the vet for his yearly check-up figured everything would go just fine but, it didn't turn out the best. The Dr listened to his heart beat and heard a murmur and it could shorten his life span by alot....kinda scared Jeremy and I. So he had to go back that week and have a chest x-ray and an EKG done on his heart, lucky for us Jeremy's mom and sister were going over to Sioux Falls so they could take him for us. His chest x-ray came back and that looked normal but his EKG was a little off so the Dr found that the chambers in his heart were enlarged and he has high blood pressure. I know wouldn't normally think of that in a dog, but he has it so we have to give him a blood pressure pill every morning. He had to go back for a check up this last weekend, so we drove to Sioux Falls on saturday morning but he can get a little excited in the car if he sees other people. So when we went into the vet his blood pressure was 240  which is double what it normally should be. Now he has to be on two blood pressure pills a day and an additional blood pressure pill, and be checked in two weeks. Hopefully that all helps because the blood pressure pills should help his heart also and we would like him to be around as long as possible! We will keep you updated on him after his next appointment. Something else exciting that is going on with us, Jeremy's sister Brittany is also pregnant and she is going to have a c-section this friday so hopefully we will have some fun pictures to show you all soon! Makes me really excited for our little girl to be here will all the babies around!! Since we don't have those fun ones yet will leave you with a picture of my every growing belly....

Figured we would leave you with a few pictures of the two babies we have now since the new ones aren't here yet...
 Little Brandy Jo
Our Big Guy Rocky

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Almost Half Way!!

Most of you probably know already but Jeremy and I had our first Ultrasound appointment on Monday. It was AMAZING!! We got to see our little baby moving all over the place! We couldn't believe how much SHE was moving around! Yes I said SHE!! We were also lucky enough to find out we are having a baby girl!! She is looking very healthy and measuring to the exact day! We were able to meet Gramma Connie after the appointment and let her know right away and went to Jeremy's Parents house after to show them the pictures and share the news. I am very excited to start buying lots of pink!!! With that we I will leave you with a few of our amazing pictures!